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Week 5 - Muse

- verb
1. to think or mediate in silence, as on some subject.
2. to gaze meditatively or wonderlingly.

1. the goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like.
2. classical mythology, any goddess presiding over a particular art.

These themes keep getting better and better....and I'm always filled with endless ideas....perhaps MCP has become my muse!!!

"Light & Color as my Muse" 

Ever walk in an area and see a ray of light shinning down on something...anything? Light is no doubt a Muse that points you to look in its direction to see what amazing beauty is hiding just beyond. Take this small part of a rocky pile covered in vines and moss....All of a sudden there she (Light) was, basking on the rocks and amazing textures and colors came popping up, calling me to come close and take a picture.

Taken on January 29, 2011 at Villa Escudero, San Pablo, Laguna
Camera- GT-I8000 Samsung cellphone
F-stop - f/2.8
Exposure - 1/32 sec
ISO 50
no flash mode, aperture priority

"Travel as my Muse" 

These two photos were taken on our latest weekend explore...where my husband and I jump in the car on a not so early Saturday or Sunday morning (especially after a long and stressful week) and we drive and drive until we reach a new location...either planned or spontaneous...then we get down, look around, enjoy the sites, enjoy each other and take pictures. 

These trips definitely serves inspiration to both of clears all the heaviness left behind by the past week. It opens our eyes to beauty and lifts our spirit...ultimately leaving our minds open to new creative energies....

And, what better place to use the "verb", gaze meditatively....

"My love as a Muse"

Of course, it sounds like such a typical thing to say but, when you love, it's all the inspiration that you need in life. It is the reason for waking up, for smiling, for creating... both the love that your receive and the love that you give freely.


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