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Planning Stage for our Conceptual High Fashion Shoot

So last weekend we had a collab with a group of photographers and we used some of my gowns from my wardrobe collection for the shoot. I also adorned some of the models with the fused glass jewelry that I created previously. I had so much fun that I decided my 3rd FASHION FLIRTY OPEN SHOOT EVENT will be one indoors.

This kicked off my planning stage. I wanted this shoot to be a fully thought out, conceptual shoot with full on accessories, jewelry and wardrobe.... I met with one of my makeup artists to talk about a few ideas and today i have created a fb group that would serve as the "meeting ground" for the concept shoot team that is on private...and ill only add those participating in the event.

The concept i have decided on is THE ELEMENTS OF ALCHEMY.... each model with represent an element as envisioned by the designers.... EARTH...FIRE...WIND/AIR....WATER.... AETHER.... and a sixth element METAL....

here are some of the details for the planning stage...

1... PRIVATE GROUP CREATED...for throwing around ideas..

This is the description...
This group was created to throw around ideas of how we can embody our concept into a photographable persona. I would like this shoot to be a collaboration of ideas between the photographers, makeup artists, models and designers to come up with a truly high fashion, unique portfolio of images.

Our concept shoot is about the ELEMENTS OF ALCHEMY or the greek classical elements -
Fire Alchemy
Air Alchemy
Water Alchemy
Earth Alchemy

AND, according to Aristotle a fifth element, AETHER or also called QUINTESSENCE....
i am also adding another element...or one of the three primes (or TRIA PRIMA) according to Paracselsus, of which material substances are immediately composed....

The three are..
Sulfur (soul)
Mercury (spirit)
Salt (base matter or body)

Our shoot will include Mercury...or "METAL"
and possibly, if there will be time for a 7th model, "SALT".


There will be 6 for each of the elements....  each with a specific color theme...


Models will have a registration fee and only a limited number will be able to join since each one will have a unique gown to wear with full accessories and props. We will assign the element to each model taking in consideration what would go best with them.

I will be one of the photographers, plus my husband will take a few shots too. He will mainly be on as a videographer, taking short clips for modeling short videos and bts shots.
Additional 3 photographers will be accepted with a registration fee.... Only a minimun number of photographers for now since we want this to be an exclusive shoot for your portfolios. 

I am currently in search of designers for the jewelry and wardrobe to join the shoot. I would like to collaborate with them ...initially giving them an idea of what i have envisioned and then letting them create a design with in the discussed concept.

I will also be designing some jewelry..maybe fused glass as well as some beaded stone jewelry... Then there is the wardrobe, which will be long gowns for sure...

So far that's our planning stage as of today...I am about to create the Event flyer so I can start posting and finding the models that will want to join this shoot.... I am super excited...


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